19 Mar 2019, Tuesday
Are you on the verge of attending 10+2 examinations? Are you determined to secure good marks so as to pave your road for further studies? Studying for the exam is always tough and tricky. It is that time of the year when you need to deliver everything that you learn.
With high expectations from parents and family members, you often feel pressured and panic in this situation. What to study, how much to study and when to study are some of the undeniable dilemmas that you encounter. Don’t worry. We have got you covered.
We present you top 9 tools and techniques that can revolutionize your learning, thereby enhancing your understanding of the subject matter.
Stay motivated
First of all understands that these exams are not the end of the world. You must prepare to give your best shot. In the worst case scenario, if you deter a bit, there is always the next time. Understanding this is the key to keeping you sane. Remember that a test score is just a reflection of your preparedness and it does not define you. You are much more than your marks.
Establish a timetable
Plan out a realistic time table months before your examinations and follow it daily. Make sure to include 45-60 minutes of some sort of physical exercise (you can choose a sport that you like, yoga or Zumba) in that time table. You will be putting your mind to work extensively all day long and it is important to work your other muscles as well.
Practice what you learn.
We all remember things better when we use them in different scenarios. So once you have read a concept, practice some numerical sums or case studies to thoroughly master the topic.
Prepare frequently asked questions first.
Questions get repeated very often so make sure that you solve previous paper’s questions. These are the most important topics in your syllabus so never skip them. Doing this gives you an idea of the paper pattern and the topics where you are getting stuck. Furthermore, you can also make note of the amount of time you are spending on each question.
Seek help when stuck.
Students often feel shy to ask for help. They think that they seem to be foolish if they ask questions. Remove this ideology from your mind. Ask your teachers, seniors or parents for help when necessary. They have gone through the same process and will be more than happy to help you. They might even give you “tricks” or easy ways to solve the problem.
Use the internet to your benefit.
If there is any topic that you are finding it difficult to learn from the textbook, the internet is there to your rescue. Watch videos on YouTube or understand concepts from e-learning websites like Khan Academy or Byju’s. These websites are well renowned for using simple language and graphics to make your concept clear. Make sure you use the internet just for studying.
Write as you learn.
If there are important formulas or diagrams that you are just not able to remember, write/draw them on a piece of paper and stick it on the wall beside your bed. Every time you go past it, you will read it and hopefully remember it shortly. It has also been seen that writing down formulas and chemical reactions several times helps you retain them for a longer period of time as opposed to rote learning.
Believe in yourself.
Students often lose confidence and get depressed. You should remember that this is just a phase and you will get through this. Remember that well begun is half done. Say a short prayer every morning once you wake up, thank God for bringing you up till here. You can also stand in front of the mirror and just say to yourself that you have got this and you will get through this. Life will throw many curveballs at you every once in a while and it is only when you learn to tackle these, that you will embark successfully.
Have a proper diet and a good night sleep
Since you will be using a lot of your energy on studying, it is important to feed your body what it needs; a balanced diet. Students tend to munch on junk food while studying. It not only adds unnecessary fat and cholesterol to your body but also makes you feel lethargic. Eat fresh fruits in between your meals when you feel like eating a snack or much on dry fruits instead of chips. Taking proper rest is vital as well. Think of it this way- when you train a particular set of muscles extensively in the gym one day; you need to give proper rest to it the other day for better functioning. So when you are training your brain cells all day long, then you should take rest at night at least for 6-7 hours.
Be it Intermediate in Science, Management or Arts, 10+2 exams are stressful for all and everyone goes through it. So it is essential to follow the above-mentioned tips for a smooth glide through the strenuous phase and come out with flying colors. There will be some days when you will be proud of yourself for studying everything on your time table and there will be days when you will struggle to tick off just two points off of your list. The skills that matter the most are consistency and the ability to tame your mind.